Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mugs, Muggles, and My Last Month Mark

You premieres used to be a big deal. Well, let's be honest. They still are. But I remember when the midnight showing of a movie practically made headlines (that's what I get for being from little ole' Sandy, Utah). But now... it's different. Now people are getting to see it at like six o' clock on the day before the movie even comes out. I feel like that's cheating. That's like a premiere premiere. A "pre-premiere". And then there's those people who work at the movie theaters who get to see it like two days before it comes out. Why didn't they just make that earlier date the release date? People these days...
I did go to the Harry Potter midnight showing this Thursday night/ Friday morning. The REAL premiere, none of that early preview business. The friends I went with were hilarious. One dressed up as Bellatrix, which was way sweet. And our theater was soooo loud. Everyone was so excited, and I even started a slow clap -which, for those of you who don't know, is a HUGE deal (not really, but it is to me). The hour before was so funny because we all started chanting things like "When I say Harry, you say Potter.... Harry! (Potter!) Harry! (Potter!)". I think we did it with almost all of the characters' names. Then this one girl was like, "When I say Ginny, you say Weasley.... Ginny!" and everyone was like "NO!!" hahaha. I guess no one likes Ginny that much.
The movie was really good, but I feel like I'm still recovering from my lack of sleep. I think I got 4 hours of sleep after getting home, which is no good. With my schedule, I'm used to maybe 9 hours of sleep, which is fantastic. But the REAL highlight of my night (and when I say "real", I mean it wasn't really a highlight at all, but just something to talk about) was when I saw Cedric Diggory walking towards me in the concession line (see Facebook status from Friday morning.......yes, I just referenced Facebook). This kid looked EXACTLY like Edward Cullen (for those of you who don't know, Edward Cullen and Cedric Diggory are played by the same actor). My mouth actually dropped open. I almost followed him into his theater.... I said almost.
Not only was this past week significant because of the Harry Potter movie, but also because it marked my one month date until I go home! Yup, that's right folks. Good old Allison's coming back to Sandy. A month from this last Tuesday, my program will officially be over, and I'll leave sunny Florida (it's actually really wet and rainy right now) and head to the home of the greatest snow on earth. I have mixed feelings about this event. I've been dying to come home a lot while I've been down here, but I really am going to miss Florida. Ok, maybe I won't miss Florida exactly (with all its bugs and humidity), but just Disney, and my work, and all of my great friends. It's crazy how fast time flies. This experience has been one I will never forget, and I just keep reminding myself how lucky I am to be here.
Work is going great, but is so crazy because it's "Brazilian Season"- meaning there are thousands of Spanish/Portuguese speaking guests who may or may not have swimsuits that actually fit their bodies (that includes men as well.... for some reason they think speedos ok). I walked onto the floor the other day, and actually had a hard time getting to the register, because there were just bodies everywhere. Like sardines in a wooden box (bad analogy, but you get the idea). And then it started raining, so even more people came into the store for shelter! I was like... this isn't good. Too many people, too small of a space. Then I got put on mug cart. So here's the thing about mug cart: it's supposed to be for convenience, so people who just need to return their key don't have to wait in the huge register line that forms whenever we have a thunderstorm. That whole convenience concept doesn't actually work when people, faced with the ultimate question: "Would you like $5 or a mug?", freeze up, like if they don't answer correctly, they just might be shipped off the planet. People. It's just a mug. If you change your mind, you can always come back and get one. Whenever I'm on mug cart, I don't sell a lot of mugs... I wonder why.
Well, that's it for another letter of the alphabet. My mother told me I have 16 more to go until I reach the end. Who knows if that's going to happen. I guess we'll both have to wait and find out. I love you all and can't wait until I get to see and talk to you "for reals for reals"!

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