Monday, June 20, 2011


So I'm back... in the airplane... again. Name that movie! (It was Jurassic Park for all you people out there who don't constantly quote movies and actually come up with original things to say in everyday conversations. Also, in the movie he says "car" instead of "airplane". So this actually may not qualify as a quote at all.... nevertheless.) I just barely got home from the Florida airport and let me tell you... the company on my return trip was infinitely better than my company on the departing. On my four hour flight from Orlando to Phoenix (Ok side note- I now know how to correctly spell Phoenix thanks to the spell check on my Blackberry), I got on the plane only to find this old Indian couple in aisle and middle seat in the row I was supposed to be in. So that means I had the window seat... which can be tricky to get to if people are already sitting down in the conjoining seats. So I assumed this couple would stand up to let me get to my seat. Wrong. They just sit there, so I have to maneuver my way around them while carrying my backpack in one hand and my family's souvenirs in the other. So the trip had already started off on a sour note for me. During the entire flight I listened to my Ipod and tried to sleep. And if I wasn't really asleep, I pretended to be asleep, because if I looked at all to my left, the Indian guy would sharply turn his head to look at me. Needless to say, I had a nice view of the clouds for the entire trip. Then, about halfway through the flight, this couple pulls out who knows what from a tinfoil pouch. It smelled so strong! Then after they ate, the guy started coughing with this really bad hacking noise. I'm like, well if I ate something that smelled that strong, then I'd probably be making the same noise!
The flight from Phoenix to Salt Lake was better. I was only stuck between two old guys. No Indian people. The flight from Phoenix to SLC is only about an hour and fifteen minutes, so you can basically endure anything that long. Except on my return flight to Orlando, I didn't want the first connecting flight to Phoenix to go that fast, because I WASN'T sitting next to some old guys. I was sitting next to some guys my age. That went to BYU. And that were wearing muscley shirts. Not that I noticed... I was much too busy reading my new book (I bought four new books when I went to Barnes and Noble. I only went in to get two, but I overheard some of the workers talking about the two other books). Seriously though, I must've been bitten by the shy fly, because I didn't say a word to them the entire trip. I'm still kicking myself for that one. Oh well... you win some, you lose some. The flight from Phoenix to Orlando went so fast, and I can't help thinking that I'm going to get used to this routine of flights.
So I'm back in Florida. But I had such an amazing time in Utah! When I arrived, I walked off the plane, and could basically hear my skin crack because of the lack of humidity. But I didn't care. I was just so glad to be home! I was so excited to see my family, my roommates, my dog (except he wasn't that excited to see me- sad! When I came home he sat kinda sat there. Nothing. I was like... Hello! I'm kinda the one who prayed for you to be here! You're welcome!). Anyway, Kim's wedding on Saturday was incredible! She looked beautiful, happy, and so full of love. I am so happy for her. The reception was amazing, and I really think I want to have my reception at the same place -wouldn't that be funny, because I've basically copied everything Kim's done since the day I was born, and now I'm wanting to copy her wedding reception place too!
I just had some thoughts I wanted to share in regards to weddings and such. I talked to Kim the day before she was getting married and was just like.... think about how you've had to live your life to get to this point. It totally hasn't been easy, but I know she wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I think that ever since I've grown out of Young Women's, I've lost my focus on how important it is to go to the temple. Not that I didn't want to go... it just wasn't the focus of my preparations.I feel like In YW they push it so much, and of course a temple marriage has always been my goal. But in Relief Society, the audience is a little different. Most of the women in there are already married. Their focus is a bit different. I was really glad I got to see Kim go to the temple, because it reminded me of just how special it is and that right now, that is what I'm supposed to be preparing for.
The reminder is so good for me right now, because I have a problem with feeling a bit "stagnant". You know that in-between feeling of not really regressing, but not necessarily progressing either. It was/is totally happening to me. I had lost my focus. My family and roommates reminded me that I always have to be working at something. Always. They also told me to stop focusing on myself so much- which explained a lot of my self pity crap. But I just wanted to thank them for listening to me and helping me instead of just feeling content to let me mope. I know I can always count on them to slap me out of whatever bad mood I'm in. Thank you, people!
I just wanted to end with a kind of tribute to my sister that I've followed around since I learned to walk. I am so grateful for Kim's example to me. This last year (and my first year) at college definitely had it's challenges. But it was so nice to have a sister down in Provo with me that I could always go to if I needed help. At Conference time, Kim actually let my roommate and me come eat breakfast and watch Conference with her and Mike. We really were such an inconvenience, but she welcomed us with open arms, and a loving heart, which just exemplifies everything she is. We had a class everyday together (Women's Chorus), and it was so much fun to spend that time with her. We also had some good times in our Greek and Roman Mythology class (It's PRACTICAL that Hermes would be carrying the infant Dionysus). You wouldn't understand that last side note if you weren't Kim... so basically no one knows what that was about because Kim is on her Honeymoon and probably won't read this post for a while. Anyway. She has been the best big sister anyone could ask for, and it's a miracle she still loves me after all the stunts I've pulled. I'm so glad that she's found her perfect match, and couldn't be happier for her. Love you, KIMBUNNY!

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