Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dogs, Dreams, and Disney-Themed Dances

I had a dream. What an epic way to start a blog post. Haha! But seriously, Monday night I had a dream that I had about 16 dogs. All shapes and sizes- puppies, huge dogs, regular-sized dogs (lol). But all of these different dogs were my sled dogs. There were so many in my kitchen at home, and I was about ready to attach them to the sled but then I thought, "Where are all of my other dogs? How am I supposed to have a sled dog team with only these dogs?". I then remembered that the other dogs would be in my bedroom. So I went down there, and sure enough.... about 20 other dogs were lounging around in my bedroom. As soon as I walked into the room all of the dogs started running out, like they knew it was time to go. All of them came out -including a huge dog like the one from Sandlot- and I looked around to make sure none were left, and I saw this black thing in the corner of my room. I said, "Who's that?" (like the dog was going to answer, right? lol) but then my dog zak (my real dog, the one who is actually alive right now) stood up, all old and slow-like and came over to me, wet like he had just run through the sprinklers, but all excited, and I said "Oh, it's my favorite dog!"  and hugged him. Hahaha. And that was it. Think I miss my dog much? Yeah!
I've been having the STRANGEST dreams since I have gotten here. I've had one every day but once I think. My favorite one to think about and tell is the one I had on Sunday night. Here it is:
So my brother, Jason, and I were in like a mansion/castle place, and he told me that orcs -yes, like from Lord of the Rings- were coming to get us in the room we were in, and that I was going to have to help him kill all of them. I was terrified and just wanted to get the heck out of there. But then the orcs started coming in. I had climbed up this little staircase that was in the room and an orc came up to me. I had a sword, and I tried to hit him, but my sword was made of plastic! Like one of those play swords you can't swing fast because there is air in the plastic and such. I was so frustrated. Luckily, Jason had an ax that was NOT plastic. He got all of them. So for our "heroic deed" of killing the orcs, we were getting crowned. But the crowns were made of marshmallows... like four marshmallows. Hahaha and my marshmallow crown wouldn't stay together so I ended up mushing it all together and eating it. Then the whole situation shifted. I was still in the same room, but now I was with someone in my BYU ward and he was teasing my cat. So I grabbed my cat and comforted him. My cat's name was Mortimer. Like Mortimer Mouse, the name Mickey Mouse was supposed to have LOL. What has Disney done to me?
So enough with weird dreams. On Monday night, the College Program had it's Spring Formal. It was called The Cellar- a Villain Themed Dance. It was so great! We went to a convention room in Disney's Colorado Springs Resort. The room was decorated like a creepy cellar, and in each corner, a different Disney villain stood for guests to take pictures with. There was Lady Tremain (Cinderella), Sorcerer Mickey, the Snow Queen (Snow White), Maleficent, Jafar, Hades, Cruella, and the Mirror on the Wall. We didn't actually get pictures WITH the villains because the line was so long, but we got pictures OF them. They provided dinner, which was fantastic, and the dancing was great too (except we left the dance a little early because a group of guys started grinding like right by us haha). It was kind of crazy a little, but I don't think I made too big of a fool out of my self because of my dance moves. But one can only hope.
I've been through a couple of days of training now, and I feel like I'm really going to get some great work experience here. I learned how to work the Disney Cash Registers today, and I think I fulfilled a childhood dream of mine (Haha). I always wanted scan things with the little gun and print out receipts and stuff! It's great! These next two days I have an opening shift and a closing shift so I know what to expect for each. Also! My trainer looks and sounds a lot like Pres. Eyring! It's funny! And it seems like most of the people I will be working with will be elderly ladies with a lot of spice! One more cool thing that happened was yesterday I was in the Merchandise cafeteria on break and an older hispanic lady came up to me, read my name tag, and in broken English said "Brigham Young.... Are you Mormon?". Kind of surprised I said that I was, and she got really excited. She was like "So am I! I go to the Osceola Spanish Branch!". It was so cool that we somehow ran into each other- two of the few LDS castmembers at Blizzard Beach! Ok, I'm done now, because I think this post is getting rather long :)

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