Thursday, May 19, 2011

Games, Great food, and Ghirardelli Chocolate

Have you ever had Ghirardelli Chocolate? You haven't? Hmm that's funny. You probably hate joy and steal little children's play toys too, huh? Let me tell you what happens when you eat Ghirardelli chocolate. You're happy. It's like everything wrong in the world melts away (that's punny because if you sit there pondering this serenity too long, the chocolate literally DOES melt away). You could be in some foreign land, with some complete stranger who lives in the apartment beneath you AND who hates Utah Mormons (which is what you are- a Utah Mormon), and this chocolate  -nay, this antidote-  can strengthen your ability to resist any ounce of discomfort you already acquired from being around such an individual. Yes. Ghirardelli chocolate is THAT good. I would know, because (as you may or may not have already guessed) this exact same scenario happened to me on Tuesday! I ordered a Ghiradelli Cookie-Bottom Sundae, and as soon as that spoon went into my mouth, I wouldn't have cared if it had started snowing outside (I threw that in there for all of you suckers who actually did get snow).
So on Tuesday I did end up going to Downtown Disney to get Ghirardelli's as I said before. But I only went  because of what happened on Monday night.  For FHE, our ward played the game "Where's Waldo" at Downtown Disney. This is a game where people from the ward dress up and try to blend into their surrounding crowd as the members of the ward look for them. And thus began my first problem: I have NO idea who anyone in the ward is or what they look like. Needless to say, I wasn't a huge help to my team. But here is the second problem: Throughout Downtown Disney one can smell the aroma of freshly made Ghirardelli waffle cones. This wouldn't seem like any problem at all.... if you had brought money to buy one of those delicious smelling treats. And guess who hadn't brought money to FHE. Yup. So that's why I went back to Downtown Disney on Tuesday. I know.... terribly exciting.
Yesterday turned out to be a lot of fun. Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon cast members had "Spring Fling" (just a work party) at Typhoon Lagoon after all the guests had gone. I had never been to Typhoon, and let me just say.... it's pretty cool. Its wave pool has like actual waves. I was watching some guys "boogie boarding" on the wave, only to find out they didn't actually have boards! That's how strong the wave was! It was really cool, and so we have decided we are going to go back as soon as we can. Since the party started at 6:30 and I was working at Blizzard until 7 (add in a bunch of traveling time on the bus), I hadn't planned on swimming or anything. I was just going to have dinner. And I'm sure glad I did. Bubbalicious BBQ was served, and it was amazing!! I had pulled pork with mac&cheese (yes Mom, I still get mac&cheese when I go out). It was so nice to have real food! And good food too! I may or may not have gone back for seconds...
Just one last thing before I go. On Tuesday, we were with a girl who wasn't LDS. Another one of the girls that I was with knew her well, and they started talking about the church. They were talking for a really long time, and the subject kept coming back up. I wanted to say something so bad! But when I tried to come up with words.... nothing. I was so confused as to why Heavenly Father wouldn't want me to contribute to the situation, and honestly, it almost made me lose confidence in myself that I wasn't getting inspired to say anything. Then later, the girls were talking and the one said how she wanted to talk just one-on-one because she felt very intimidated by the situation. That's when I realized that by not doing anything, I was really doing something! I was listening to the spirit's promptings to not say anything so that this girl wouldn't feel overwhelmed and get scared off. It was really cool to hear the girls talk, and although I wanted to pitch in so many times, I'm glad I didn't and that I listened to Heavenly Father's promptings.
Heavenly Father has given me so much guidance and love here. He sends his comfort to me continually. Whenever someone notices the "Brigham Young University" on my name tag, it makes me feel so good. I feel even better when that same person tells me they are also from Utah. It is like a little piece of home has followed me here to humid Florida. It's great fun, and I'm learning more about myself than I ever have. Love you all and miss you!

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