Monday, May 9, 2011

Eating, Elephants, and Not-so-Epic Epiphanies

Remember how I said that for my costume I wear a Hawaiian shirt and puffy shorts? Well on Thursday I had an epiphany about the bottom half of my outfit.... I had been wearing men's shorts! That's why they were so puffy! Or so I thought. Here's how I came to that conclusion: I had pockets on the back of my shorts. My trainer had pockets on the back of his shorts. I saw one girl I worked with, and she DIDN'T have pockets on the back of her shorts. I looked at another girls shorts... no pockets! I felt embarrassed but definitely relieved that the reason my shorts were so weird was because I had grabbed the wrong kind. I was on cloud nine for about half an hour, just thinking of all the different maneuvers I could pull off once I traded in my men's shorts for female shorts. Then it happened. I saw a different female worker with pockets on her shorts. Dang it. They are just puffy shorts.
So on the same day as my great puffy shorts discovery (not), my work location celebrated 730 days of accident-freeness-that's 2yrs! I guess you don't get too banged up behind a register, handing people locker keys all day. Anyway... at lunch they fed us a gourmet meal- steak, shrimp, potatoes, and the best store-made cake I've ever eaten! Seriously so good! I wanted more of the cake (I'm thinking the altitude/humidity difference had something to do with its deliciousness), but I had already told about five people that I was majoring in Dietetics (nutrition) and I didn't want to seem contradictory (but it always seems that I'm eating some sort of greasy thing when people ask me what I'm going into anyway, so I guess I should get used to it). It was funny though, because I had literally only been there two days, and they were already giving me a five-star meal. I'm thinking, "What's on the menu for next week?". Needless to say, it turned out to be a great day of training. After 20 bowls of fruit loops, and 10 peanut butter sandwiches, it was nice to have some real food in my stomach.
As many of you know (thanks for the facebook comments and texts/calls!), it was my nineteenth birthday on Saturday. What an exciting way to spend a birthday, right? I'm in Florida.... with access to all of the Disney parks.... for free. It's a recipe for perfection. So I went to Animal Kingdom-yes, I went alone because all of my roommates were working or gone... thanks for pointing that out (haha)- and I saw the Lion King show, went on a Safari (cut short due to poachers ), and even ate funnel cake! And you'll never guess what happened. I'm sitting there at the table, eating my funnel cake, and Pocahontas-yes, THE Pocahontas- just walks right up to me and starts talking! That's right-SHE walked up to ME! Can you say "Celebrity"? haha just kidding... kind of. Anyway. After Animal Kingdom I went to Epcot, got some Fish and Chips, and watched the fireworks. What a way to end a birthday (what's even better is that it rhymed). It was a great day, but it did make me miss all of my family and friends at home. So all of the people who sent me messages (and even those who didn't), thank you! You made me feel loved even from all those thousands of miles away.
Unfortunately, I feel like my writing skills are quickly diminishing, and if you haven't died of boredom already, you are in luck because I have just one more experience to share. I told you I went to Epcot on Saturday evening, and I did end up going with one of my roommates when she got home. When we were looking for food, we went to different places and ended up getting separated. She didn't have her phone and after the fireworks, there was no way I was going to find her in all of the exiting crowds. I waited on the side of the pathway for a bit, thinking that maybe I would see her walk by. I kept thinking in my head, "Heavenly Father, please help me find her." I just repeated it over and over. I started walking into the crowds, not really knowing if it was of any use. I paused for a second, closed my eyes and said an actual silent prayer (meaning I closed my eyes, and ended it the appropriate way). When I opened my eyes I saw my roommate walking in the other direction. Can you believe it?! I called to her and we made it home just fine. That's one in many experiences I've had with prayers being immediately answered.
Well, love ya and leave ya. But I did want to quickly thank my mother for being the most wonderful woman in the world and teaching me so much about life and everything that goes with it. Love you MOM!! And a shout out to my roommates and family for being so fantastic and loving!

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